Thursday, 25 March 2010

THESIS TOPIC: The Practical Introduction of a Critical Pedagogical Framework to a Secondary EFL Teacher Training Course.

Though I have not officially decided upon a definite topic, I have narrowed down the scope of my thought significantly with regards to the broad choice of a research topic. In my thesis I wish to investigate the practical introduction of a critical pedagogical framework to a secondary EFL teacher training course. Consequently, it would benefit my future enterprise if I focus my writing during this course on exploring the theme of critical pedagogy, and more specifically, critical pedagogy in context to formal teacher education. Broadly stated in question form, the motivation of my research project for this course reads as follows: ‘Has the teaching of a critical approach to pedagogy been conducted in secondary teacher education programs, specifically in Korea?’; ‘What are the dominant secondary Korean EFL teacher perceptions of critical pedagogy?’, and ‘What would be required to introduce a critical pedagogical framework to a local secondary teacher training course?’ Of course, answering the question ‘What is critical pedagogy?’ is contextually implicit in developing the previous three questions. My research will be a multi-approach study, and it is my hope that this bricolage will enable me to expose the work at hand, as well as provide for an efficient and effective analysis, and application, of the information uncovered. Therefore, some of the subtopics included will be:

A definition of critical pedagogy.

The history of critical pedagogy in secondary teacher education programs in Korea.

A survey of dominant perceptions of critical pedagogy among secondary Korean EFL teachers.

A strategy for introducing a critical pedagogical approach to a local secondary EFL teacher training course.

Examples of practical resources used in introducing a critical pedagogical approach to a local secondary EFL teacher training course – both tied to the curriculum and extra-curricular in nature.

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